(Sunday, November 27, 2011/11:32 PM)
do i really still care?
well i guess it matters not.
if there's anything this has taught me.
it's that there's probably nothing to expect at the end.
yet if there really is,
i must be the luckiest person in the world.
at least i'll think that of myself when it happens,
if it happens.
(Thursday, September 01, 2011/11:00 PM)
and i hope.
that all this will be saved.
for, at least, a long time.
that's not too hard to be possible won't it?
that way i really can look back.
and laugh at how i was such a fool back then.
and how those foolish experiences,
grew me into a proper person.
to mold a good individual
really takes a lifetime.
(Sunday, April 10, 2011/12:39 PM)
this is the moment where everything will start being decided.
it's just the chance i need.
to a life of non-fresh milk tea with no pearls, because it is large anyway.
not everything in life goes according to plan.
so we just have to live with it.
and when seen like that.
life will be happy.
(Saturday, February 05, 2011/8:18 AM)
a note to myself:
you're being deceived.
you're deceiving yourself.
break out of this facade before it's too late.
ironically what you tell others applies most of all to you.
so what are you waiting for.
face it, or run away forever.
(Sunday, December 05, 2010/12:20 PM)
i don't see why you keep coming back to me.
i don't see why you keep giving me hope.
but nevertheless,
it sure feels alot better than cringing in doubt.
so what shall i do now.
at least something right i guess.
something right to win your heart.
again, no
(Wednesday, December 01, 2010/7:49 PM)
it probably will never have the happy ending.
i had hoped it would have a tiny chance of happening.
that's not to say that i won't try.
but i'm quite sure of the end that awaits me.
looks like i finally got something right.
(Saturday, November 27, 2010/12:35 AM)
and thus we come
to the beginning of the end.
the real beginning of the end.
human wants are so simple.
just what is desired for at the point in time.
i am no different.
all i just want now.
is obvious.
and i don't know if all of this is just false hope.
but i really.
really want it.
so close,
and yet so far.
just how much more can my weary heart take.
i'll let it take everything.
till the point of death.
risk it all.
just for the glimmer of hope that.
my reward will come.